Empat Perwakilan Fraksi Memaparkan Visi Misi

The following article presents the very latest information on news. If you have a particular interest in news, then this informative article is required reading.

It's really a good idea to probe a little deeper into the subject of news. What you learn may give you the confidence you need to venture into new areas.

Metrotvnews.com, Jakarta: Empat pimpinan pansus Century akan memaparkan visi dan misi sebelum diadakan pemilihan ketua, Jumat (4/12) malam. Agenda ini untuk mengetahui apa yang disampaikan para calon serta praktiknya di lapangan.

Mereka yang menyampaikan visi dan misi masing-masing Yahya Cacawiria (Fraksi-Demokrat), Gayus Lumbuun (F-PDI Perjuangan), Idrus Marham (F-Golkar), dan Mahfud Siddiq (F-Partai Keadilan Sejahtera). Sebelumnya, pimpinan rapat Angket Century Priyo Budi Santoso menetapkan mekanisme pemilihan ketua dari empat fraksi terbesar.(*)

I hope that reading the above information was both enjoyable and educational for you. Your learning process should be ongoing--the more you understand about any subject, the more you will be able to share with others.

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